Infigo Method 6 Power Amp
Infigo Audio
Proud Member of The Nexus Brand Family
A Canadian company, Infigo Audio designs and manufactures high end audio equipment including power amplifiers, high end DACs, and premium Interconnects. Infigo prides itself on using the highest quality production processes and materials, the latter being locally sourced wherever and whenever possible in Infigo’s home base of British Columbia.
Infigo CEO/Founder Hans Looman has consulted to the (former) Resonessence Labs over the past decade, a spin-off of ESS Technology—the renowned creators of the Sabre DAC chip. Originally showcased internationally at audio shows by Resonessence, Mr. Looman’s amplifier designs are now available in the flagship product line of the Infigo brand.
The Infigo Mission & Philosophy
Infigo’s Latin moniker isn’t merely a name, it’s also the company’s mission, literally: to impress—with music reproduction of such rarified quality, listeners keep coming back for more.
One of the driving principals behind Infigo’s design process is to preserve the natural relationship between music and signal. While this may seem logical if not obvious in theory, achieving this in practice is a daunting challenge—which Infigo has overcome.
Infigo sees the reproduction of music as analogous to a high performance race car. Controlling speed is relatively easy, whereas controlling acceleration is more difficult—implying absolute control of speed. Similarly, in the reproduction of music, controlling frequency response is like controlling speed, whereas controlling signal phase is akin to controlling acceleration. Simply put, if Infigo’s power amplifiers were race cars, they would have perfect control of ‘jolt’—or change of acceleration.
One of the most important aspects of listening to music is perception—where the magic happens. In our daily routines, we’re bombarded with sounds from all directions. Subconsciously, we ignore more than 80% of this sonic tumult—if we didn’t, we’d succumb to information overload. It’s only those sounds that we focus on that we hear with our full, undivided attention.
Infigo believes that the brain deserves the freedom to select which sonic information we focus on. Everybody listens selectively, hearing different details in a given musical reproduction. Only when the audible clues are discernable can they fulfill the expectations of the brain—if not, the brain doesn’t have the freedom to subconsciously filter the signal. Thus, even the most beautiful musical passage cannot be fully enjoyed.

Infigo at T.H.E. Show 2022

Infigo Method 6 Power Amp

Infigo Method 4 High End DAC

“Hans Looman’s Infigo amplifiers are small beasts of potent power, snap-crackling dynamics, and surprisingly large, super-scaled soundstages… Looman’s electronics produce a concert hall stage presentation, simply a huge soundstage with popping dynamics, rich sonics, and supple textures. A continual treat-and-feast.”
Visit Infigo Audio online to be impressed—literally—with this innovative brand and its products.